This year, Harold’s Cross Tallaght Musical Society (HXT) presents ‘Big Fish’. Big Fish revolves around the relationship between Edward Bloom, a travelling salesman, and his adult son Will. The story shifts between two timelines. In the present-day real world, sixty-year-old Edward Bloom faces his mortality while his son, Will, prepares to become a father himself. In the storybook past, Edward ages from a teenager, encountering a Witch, a Giant, a Mermaid, and the love of his life, Sandra. The stories meet as Will discovers the secret his father never revealed.

We caught up with member of HXT Julie Donnelly, to find out more about the upcoming production:

Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Templeogue, next door to Tallaght. I’m the eldest in the family, apart from my Mam and Dad! I’ve 2 brothers and a sister and lucky to say they are some of my closest friends. My pals I grew up coming to the Civic Theatre every year to support.

I grew up in a busy home, we were lucky enough to be involved in all kinds of activities, sports, singing, dancing & drama. My parents were full time taxi’s along with their actual careers! My parents met in Good Counsel Musical Society in Drimnagh and continued to be involved in musical theatre throughout our lives which may have influenced my love for Speech & Drama, dancing and singing!

Tell us about your involvement with HXT. How did it come about?
I joined HXT Musical Society technically in 1997 and went onstage at The Civic for the first time in 2000 with Sweet Charity. My Mam Evelyn was the choreographer with HXT for many years which is how I became involved at first and then I never left. I’ve been performing every year in the Civic Theatre with HXT since. I’ve been involved on the committee over a lot of these years and with the Civic team who are always so helpful (Shoutout to my girl Sandra who’s been there from the start!)

What does being part of HXT mean to you?
HXT is my other family, it’s been a wonderful place to make the bestest of friends and lifelong relationships both locally and all over the country. It’s a community of like-minded people who share in a love for musical theatre. Its hard work, commitment and bundles of joy. #HXTiswheretheheartis

What can Tallaght audiences expect from this show?
BIG FISH The Musical is a rollercoaster!! Audiences should expect to be on an emotional journey! Some beautiful drama with gorgeous music and songs, alongside some big ensemble numbers with dancing and singing and joy! Our local support has always been brilliant and BIG FISH has got something for everyone, I promise you won’t be disappointed.

Tell us a random fact about yourself:
I once fell into a cactus in the Grand Canyon trying to be funny for a photo!