Joe Jennings as PRINCE HAROLD

Joe Jennings is an aspiring performer and Maynooth Universi-ty psychology graduate. He was appeared in a variety of amateur musical theatre roles, including Seymour in ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, Drew in ‘Rock of Ages’, Paul in ‘A Chorus Line’, and P.T. Barnum in ‘The Greatest Showman’. He has been involved in two award-winning intervarsity productions with Maynooth University
Musical Society.

During his professional career, Joe has performed alongside the National Symphony Orchestra and Clannad on RTÉ. He has also sung alongside The Edge in the Sistine Chapel as part of a small vocal ensemble. He has worked with children since his very first job as a tennis instructor up until now where he works as a performer. Joe is very excited to be returning to the Civic Theatre Panto and can’t wait to bring Prince Harold to life in this year’s production of Cinderella.