The Night Belongs To Us returns for the autumn with a series of live performance events in venues throughout the county, featuring talented young musicians, DJs, dancers, and comedians. We’re excited to have two events at The Civic Theatre, featuring live performances and DJ sets from SubSounds and NOISE Music on the 15th October and 7th November.
Sign up to perform or to find out more information by emailing the or just come along to support and see what its all about!
This event is FREE.
Presented By: NOISE Music and Alternative Entertainments
Duration: 180mins. No Interval
Age Suitability: 14-18
The Night Belongs To Us is a South Dublin County Council Arts Office Initiative, funded by the Dept of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media’s Night-Time Economy Pilot Youth Initiative. It is managed by NOISE Music and Alternative Entertainments.
The Night Belongs To Us is a South Dublin County Council Arts Office initiative, and they will be filming and photographing this event. You can find a full explanation here – Data Protection – SDCC – of your rights and SDCC’s responsibilities regarding the capturing of video and photography at events involving young people aged under 18. Please note that you do not need to agree to be filmed or photographed to attend this event, but you do need to make us aware of your choice when you book your ticket.