Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is a classic yet magic story of the Potts family as they fall in love with Chitty the car and also the beautiful Truly Scrumptious along the way.
Jeremy and Jemima Potts have lost their mother, but their inventor father Caractacus is doing a wonderful job of looking after them, along with the children’s Grandpa. One day, things get very exciting as the Villainous Baron Bomburst decides he wants Chitty for himself, and his wife, the Baroness decides to try and get it for him using her spies, Boris and Goran. This musical version has wonderful music, dance, singing and acting from a cast aged from 3 years to 18 years old.
DADA students are thrilled to be working in The Civic Theatre to bring this magic tale to life.
Presented By: DADA
Duration: 120 Minutes. One Interval
Age Suitability 4+
Please note this show is performed by a Local Performing Arts School