We still have time to alter our future. Our climate is changing and we are already starting to feel the effects of this in our everyday lives. But those effects are hard to understand and the science is incredibly complicated. It’s difficult to comprehend how small changes in temperature can cause catastrophic floods or droughts, heat waves and hurricanes.
Can storytelling help achieve what scientists have struggled to do for decades – to convince us to act on climate change, work to reduce its effects and adapt to a world of more extreme and violent weather? Oisín McGann, Conor Kostick, Peadar Ó Guilín, and Dr. Anna Davies discuss how we can get the message across in a way that grabs people’s attention. Can we tell stories to help us all understand, and care, about how our planet’s climate is changing – and what it means for our future?
This event is part of Weather Stations, an international project with Tallaght Community Arts and Collective Action exploring climate change through writing. It has been made possible by the Culture Programme of the European Union.
Suitable for second level students.
Presented by Red Line Book Festival @ South Dublin County Libraries