A new comedy by Matthew Cole Kelly. Set in 1800’s frontier America, this fast-moving and highly theatrical black comedy examines a small-town community as it gets wrapped up in a religious furore. Jonah Hahn is the only doctor for 300 miles around … but the religious ban on cutting up dead bodies holds back his medical understanding. When his darling wife Sally gets sick and people in town start dying, Jonah has to reconsider … but his secret escapades have unexpected consequences for the whole town, including his faith-questioning daughter, a struggling pastor, an unlikely sheriff, an heiress, a drunkard and a harlot. Featuring ghosts, grave-digging and amateur con-artistry, this hilarious tale of faith and knowledge, of grief and solace, of promises and lies, examines the battle between science and religion (even after death …)
Developed at our 2018 NEWvember Festival, AboutFACE is delighted to present the world premiere of this bold and exciting new play.
Presented by AboutFACE Ireland
Duration: 100 minutes. One interval
The Civic Sessions
Post-Show discussion with writer Matthew Cole Kelly & The AboutFACE creative team
Thursday 22nd August
Megan Day as Lafayette
Darina Gallagher as Sally
Maureen O’Connell as Phoebe
Paul Nugent as Jonah
David Ryan as Pastor Price
Mark Tankersley as Erasmus
Kathleen Warner-Yeates as Isadora
Helena White as Melinda
Directed by Anna Nugent
Production Manager Yvonne Ussher
Set Design by Jenny Owens
Design Assistant Alessia Licate
Costume Design by Tara McKeever
PR by Bowe Communications
Sound Design by Max Bley & Leon Henry
Dramaturgy by Krystal Sweedman
Photography by Graham Keogh
Graphic Design by Charlie Kran