20 November, 2017 //

The Arabian Nights

Important Notice:

Due to adverse weather conditions, these shows have been CANCELLED. 

Box Office are in the process of contacting all customers to offer a refund.  If you do not receive a call or have any queries, please contact  085 1439599 ANY TIME.
Box Office will close at noon on Weds. 28th Feb and repoen Monday 5th March at 10am, call 01 4627477.

It is a well-known tale: King Shahryar, after finding his first wife in the arms of another, murders her and her lover. Left alone, the King decides to marry a new woman eight night — only to kill her in the morning.

That is, until Scheherezade courageously marries the King and begins telling a wondrous tale each evening and continuing through until dawn — when she is supposed to be killed, except that the King always allows her to live in order to finish the next story.

In this way, she suspends her death sentence for one thousand and one nights, and slowly heals King Shahryar’s broken heart, in the process.

Presented by Liberties College Bull Alley
Written by: Mary Zinmmerman
Directed by: Simon Manahan