A wordless physical theatre piece with a unique musical score played live on baroque guitars, Still Here is a quirky playful exploration of the journey from restriction, suspicion and fear to collaboration and celebration, gently exploring some of the feelings of the last couple of years and our changing times.
Presented as part of the 2022 Network For Extraordinary Audiences programme and funded by Arts Council of Ireland, Still Here was originally commissioned by South County Dublin Arts Office & Ruaille Buaille Children’s Festival.
Supported by The Civic, Still Here will be staged in External Venues in South Dublin County, along with a public performance in The Civic on Sat 4th June.
Suitable for ages 3 – 6 and their families.
Friday 3rd June 3 Performances in An Croí Ró Naofa Junior School, Killinarden
Saturday 4th June Public Performances 11 am & 12 noon @ The Civic Studio
A Civic Theatre Co-Production
“we are still here. we are stuck in the same place. and it’s not a good or interesting place.
it’s frustrating, it’s boring and it’s a bit scary.
but we can take ourselves elsewhere, both on our own and together because we are still standing, still dreaming, still playing.
because we are still here.”