This year Romanians in Ireland have many reasons to celebrate, firstly because Romania celebrates 100 years from its proclamation and secondly because Romanian Community of Ireland (RCI), the main organisation for Romanians in Ireland, celebrates 20 years of volunteering for Romanian Community in Ireland, the contribution of the volunteers to the development and progress of the Romanian community into the Irish society.

To mark these important dates, this year RCI has organised a series of cultural events with Romanian artists and performers for Romanian community in Ireland.

Romanian Folk Concert with Nicu Alifantis and Mihai Nenita
Romanian Community of Ireland is organizing a folk concert for its community with Nicu Alifantis, musician, singer, composer, actor and poet, known for the beautiful way he sings the Romanian poetry. Either a folk, pop, jazz or rock music concert, Alifantis would raise everyone to their feet. This year, we celebrate 45 years since he first stepped on stage; a career crowned by lots of awards and nominalizations.
The violinist Mihai Nenita known as “the magician of the violin” worked together with great names of the Romanian Music Industry. The artist has a great prolific career and his music would go straight from his violin to our hearts.
This show will be only in Romanian.

Concert extraordinar sustinut de 2 mari artisti romani, Nicu Alifantis si Mihai Nenita. Nicu Alifantis, musician, cantaret, compositor, actor si poet, este cunoscut pentru frumusetea cu care canta poezia romaneasca. Ca intra in scena intr-un concert folk, de muzica usoara, jazz sau rock, Alifantis ridica sala in picioare. Muzica rafinata a lui Nicu Alifantis contribuie la inaltarea emotiilor si la sublinierea nuantelor dramatice. Anul acesta se implinesc 45 de ani de la debutul lui pe scena, cariera incununata de o multime de premii si nominalizari. violonistul Mihai Nenita a fost supranumit
“magician al viorii”, a colaborat cu nume sonore ale scenei muzicale romanesti. Artistul are o cariera spectaculos de prolifica, iar muzica sa are abilitatea de a parcurge rapid drumul de la vioara la inima.