17 October, 2014 //


A story of homelessness, the X Factor, and crushing first love.

Cornerstones follows the lives of Ciara, Jonno, Derry and Mary, four teenagers, homeless in Dublin, living in a derelict building in the city centre.

Being homeless isn’t all bad for Jonno Sheehan once he meets Ciara and is invited back to ‘the gaff’. Sex, drugs, drink – what more could a young fellah want? And with the odd bit of knocked-off clobber, Ciara’s dreams of winning The X Factor and living like a star – life on the street is more than bearable. That is until fellow gaff-dweller and wannabe crime-lord Derry decides to build an empire. With everything spinning out of control around him, Jonno just wants to go home.

Cornerstones is a brutal but honest portrayal of the lives of a group of people that have been marginalised through both boom and recessionary times and are easy to view as no-hopers, a drain on scarce funds.

Written by Bairbre Guilfoyle and directed by Clare Maguire, this play seeks to humanise the four characters and show that they are as varied and complex as the rest of society.

 Contains strong language and themes of an adult nature.

Told with genuine heart with sparkling performances all round Meg.ie

A harrowing and brutally honest portrayal of a delicate and socially relevant subjectLe Cool Dublin

Cornerstones has captured the spirit of that broken edgy loveable Dublin. Nomoreworkhorse

Presented by Runcible Spoon Theatre Company

Previews: Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th February