A deliciously dark retelling of the classic tale of survival Henny Penny, this vastly entertaining musical fable is filled with song, fun and fright! Set in the shadows of the First World War, under the twinkling lights of a charming French café, one cunning customer is about to be served a meal he will never forget.
Let Lisa Lambe’s stunning voice thrill you… Louis Lovett’s comical bluster delight you… and let the joyous music of Nico Brown and Martin Brunsden (Hot House Flowers) set your hearts alight. Suitable for children ages 9+.
★★★★ “Sparkling piece.” THE SUNDAY TIMES
★★★★ “A Feast of Bones is a fantastically realised show” THE IRISH TIMES
★★★★★ “A must see” THE REVIEWS HUB
Presented by Theatre Lovett.
Written by Frances Kay and Directed by Muireann Ahern.
Funded by the Arts Council and supported by RTÉ Supporting the Arts.
Duration: 60 mins. No interval