Join us on Friday 30 September following ‘Dinner With Groucho’ for a post-show discussion with cast members Ian Bartholomew, Ingrid Craigie and Greg Hicks in conversation with Chris Morash.

Chris Morash is the Seamus Heaney Professor of Irish Writing in Trinity College Dublin.  He is the author of A History of Irish Theatre 1601- 2000 (2002), Mapping Irish Theatre [with Shaun Richards], and The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Theatre, co-edited with Nicholas Grene, with whom he shared an Irish Times Theatre Award nomination in 2019 for “an immeasurable contribution to academic writing on theatre in general and contemporary Irish theatre in particular”.  His latest book is Yeats on Theatre (2021), and Dublin: A Writer’s City is due next year. He curated the Unseen Plays series for the Abbey Theatre in 2021, and is Chair of the Judging Panel for the Dublin Literary Award.


🥸 Dinner with Groucho – The World Premiere by Frank Mc Guinness
An evening of wit, magic, intrigue and fun in the company of Groucho Marx and T.S. Elliot
22 Sept – 1 Oct
Tickets from €15
For 11 performances only, don’t miss your chance to have Dinner With Groucho.
Presented by b*spoke theatre company, in association with The Civic Theatre, Tallaght as part of Dublin Theatre Festival