The Civic Bard Quest is centred on the idea that from old roots new shoots can grow… but they require careful nurturing if they are to truly prosper.

At a time when we are increasingly shepherded towards an imposed and stifling correctness of thought, an over simplification of complexity and a seemingly endless attack on truth speaking, stories and myths that have withstood the ravages of time give us the chance to reconnect, reflect and reactivate an accumulated wisdom of the ages that is oft ignored in our culture’s current obsession with the here and now. Whether we know it or not, for good and ill, our lives are shaped by mythic forces. The real question is, do we want the myths by which we live to be healthy or damaging, creative or destructive? Do we run the myths or do they run us?

Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop and Sandy Dunlop from Bard Mythologies join the Civic’s Artistic Director, Michael Barker-Caven, to discuss the potential power of the Irish myths to form as well as misinform our lives and how, through a creative interaction with them, we can become empowered to see our world through clearer eyes.

Listen to the podcast HERE

The Civic Bard Quest 2018