To our loyal and beloved Civic panto fans we want to thank you all for the overwhelming tide of supportive enquiries we’ve received of late concerning the status of our 2021 panto.

Regrettably due to the continuing uncertainty and concerns that remain for the whole country as we head into the winter months, following consultations with all those tasked with bringing Dottie’s mad-cap world to life for you, we have today taken the sad decision of postponing this year’s show.

We know you will be as disappointed as we are but your safety and wellbeing, along with that of the cast and crew, is our paramount concern and we therefore feel this is the best decision in light of current events.

But all is not lost! Hurray for 2022! We are already setting our minds to planning the biggest, boldest, mad-cap panto next year, with even more shows, more fun, more Dottie and friends!

To everyone who called in, e-mailed, phoned and sent us messages on social media, thanks for being so patient and we do hope you understand this very difficult decision.

We can’t wait to see you all again soon.

From all @The Civic Panto