alone it stands hustleStephen Jones (far left) with the cast of Alone It Stands

Where are you from?
I am from Glenview Park and lived there all my life up until a year and a half ago when I finally left my Mammy and Daddy. I loved growing up in Tallaght. I went to Tallaght Community School and was very proud to captain the school soccer and g.a.a teams there. All of the plays I’ve written myself are set in Tallaght so it has had a huge influence on me.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be?
I wanted to be a footballer like most young lads. Two of my childhood friends from Glenview played professionally.

What was your first job?
Delivering bread and milk.

And your first pay cheque?
Cash in hand all the way. I think I got about ten pounds.

Have you ever done a job you loathed?
Several. Anything that’s not an acting really. I had a job in a call centre for years and in a supermarket.

When did you start acting?
In 2004 when I joined the Drama society in UCD.

What is the best thing about your job?
I’m always doing something different, meeting like minded people and I get to play pretend for a living.

What sport do you follow?
I follow alot of sports. Football, Boxing especially. I recently got into the NFL in a big way.

What sport can you play?
I’m handy in a game of 5-a-side footy.

What habits would you like to lose?
Late night takeaways. I can’t help myself.

At the moment, what are you looking forward to?
I’m looking forward to seeing an RTE show I’m in called ‘Amber’ which was made two years ago and will finally be shown this autumn. I’m looking forward to going away for a few days with my girlfriend when the tour of ‘Alone it Stands’ ends because she is an actor two and between our schedules we haven’t had a chance to get a holiday together this year.

What is you guilty music, TV or movie pleasure?
I do enjoy watching some trash TV so a bit of Geordie Shore or the Kardashians.

What music/pictures/movies do you have on your iPod/iPad?
I’m listening to Damien Dempsey, Queen and Morissey this week.

Have you ever performed at The Civic before?
I have performed in The Civic on three occasions before. I performed a one man show called ‘100 More Like These’ in both the Loose End and the Main Stage and I was in ‘Wanted: The Legendary Stone Mountain Band’ on the Main Stage aswell. It has been a few years since I’ve performed there so I’m looking forward to going back.

 Tell us about your new show, Alone It Stands?
The new tour of ‘Alone it Stands’ is shapin’ up well. There is a cast of 6 actors and we have 3 newcomers so it’s a good mix. It’s my second time doing the show so it’s good craic helping the new guys along.


ALONE IT STANDS, by John Breen, comes to Civic Theatre, Tallaght on Monday, 23rd – Saturday, 28th September. Show starts at 8pm.

€10 tickets for preview night on Mon 23rd September
€12 tickets for opening night on Tues 24th September
€16 – €20 for any other night

Booking: or phone 01 4627477