Strutting and Fretting is a hilarious and thought-provoking new comedy from the wicked pen of Chris McHallem, who has written extensively for stage, TV, film and radio. This one-man show will be performed in the intimate setting of The Civic Studio.
Can you tell us a little bit about your background, and where you grew up?
I was born and raised in west London. My mother was a nurse and so is my sister.
How did you get into acting?
When I was at school the careers teacher told us all to write a list of ten things we’d like to do for a living. I’ve been working my way down the list ever since…Acting was number 8.
Can you tell us your career highlight?
There have been quite a few highlights, but performing Strutting and Fretting has certainly been one of them.
What can an audience expect when they come to see Strutting and Fretting?
More than anything, I think Strutting and Fretting is a very honest piece. In the past people have said that it’s very funny and occasionally quite shocking.
What advice would you give struggling actor?
I can’t give any advice to a “struggling actor.” I AM a struggling actor.
Tell us a random fact about yourself?
The choreographer Arlene Philips said that I have the longest Achilles’ tendons she’s ever seen.
Strutting and Fretting, An Actor Despairs
12 – 16 February, 8:15pm