Old Stories, New Thinking: A Call to Awaken
A Collaboration between The Civic & Bard Mythologies
Led by Ellen O’Malley-Dunlop & Sandy Dunlop from the Bard

In 2018, you are invited to the Civic to commence a year round journey of renewal to rediscover the lost way of the Bard.

In ages past Bards helped define who we were and who we could and should be.  They recognised the power of myths to shape our lives and to bring us back into harmony with the wisdom of a natural order.  For those jaded by our perplexing times, this interactive process will offer rejuvenation and a world full of fresh insight, promising a liberating perspective and an opportunity to reclaim a unique heritage.  Using the ancient four mythic cycles as our guide – Mythological, Ulster, Fenian and King – and utilising a range of approaches – including group discussion, role play and game based learning – this dynamic process will immerse you in the world of Irish myth, guiding you to develop an empowering competence that will move participants from passive listener to active story maker.

Participate in one quarter or the full year, further details HERE

We are delighted to announce a limited number of bursary awards covering up to 50% of the fees for artists, writers, actors and other non full-time employed community activists who are interested in this project.  To apply, simply email the reasons you believe you qualify, the amount required (up to 50%) and why you are interested in taking part (maximum of 500 words) plus and up-to–date CV.

Send application, marked BARD BURSARY HERE